Self Care

Have you considered the Pharmacy First Scheme?

The Pharmacy First scheme that allows the free supply of medicines, to island residents, by your pharmacist to treat most minor ailments.

This means you can get expert advice and treatment for most minor ailment conditions without the need to see a GP. All consultations are private and the medicine supply is free to those who are eligible for free prescriptions.

Click here to find out more information Pharmacy First


Healthier Together provides you with information to help keep your child safe and healthy, as well as helping you decide what to do when your child is unwell.


Click here to view advice regarding common childhood illnesses

Should my child go to school today?

Isle Find It - website directory of services.

Free STI testing kits

You won't know if you (or one of your partners) have an STI, because they often show no symptoms - yet can lead to serios health problems and are a leading cause of infertility. The good news is that it is free and easy to get you home STI test. Just click the link below:

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